Results for "writing"

9 Best Writing Apps

9 Best Writing Apps

Over my years as a writer I’ve tried practically every piece of software out there - anything to make the writing process easier. With a large workload and deadlines, being able to streamline my process is essential. It not only improves my output but means I get some...

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Should You Write What You Know?

Should You Write What You Know?

Everyone knows the old adage: “Write what you know.” The statement holds true, but in its simple form, it’s at best, misleading, at worst, reductionist. What we know isn’t as straightforward as just what we’ve experienced, it’s what we read, and think, and...

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5 Ways You  Can Improve Your Work Through Fanfiction

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Work Through Fanfiction

Fanfiction has a poor reputation. It’s often considered cheap imitation or low quality. A lot of the time, however, that reputation is undeserved. There are a lot of talented writers out there who use fanfiction to explore their own creativity, and many popular...

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How To Make NaNoWriMo Work For You

How To Make NaNoWriMo Work For You

I mentor a few creative writing groups online, and one of the things I get asked most is how I feel about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  It’s a tough question and one to which I have a conflicted answer.  I attempt NaNoWriMo every year in...

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